Tuesday, February 4, 2020



Memories...Are present in every human being and are stored in your software like it happened yesterday. I happen to meet an old friend after yearly 35 years and immediately we went down the memory lane. Though it was a very pleasant journey..But it led me think on different parameters of life.
Our memories are stored in our subconscious and we can open these files any time in our life without problem. And we know that we came to this world because of our past..And this our ketu.. Our manas leaves us at the time of death and attach with our body at the time of present birth.And we are given all resources like mercury,, venus,,saturn as per our past.But we can not open the files of our past as it is. We have to live life as per our past karmas but without real memory. 
We can understand divine order is very harsh as we can not escape any karma or karmphal may it be of past life..Then what is the need to erase this memory as every memory is our building block of our present.
We can understand that life is a progressive thing and we should move on. But actually have we moved on???. No..We start every new life with all those pending karmas of the past.. trying to complete them.But every time we struggle to find the answer to our problems.Problems are same and our solutions are same because of the struggle. If that memory(good or bad) is available to us,it will be the real Guru..And we can live life better and proceed toward enlightenment in more mature way.
Or actually it is present but we don't know how to use this resource because of our ignorance..our haste to move on speedily..And this knowledge is only available to us when we meditate and go deep into our sub conscious. There we get answers to our problems but even there we don't get to our real memories but knowledge of different kind guides us.
Or it the game of maya..The illusions of great teacher Rahu..Blinding our eyes for future..

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