Tuesday, February 4, 2020

aatman manas buddhi & rahu

Aatman is pure..
so is our manas..Being it's image.
But when we move to budhi..It creates problems with analysis of good and bad. In divine everything is good. So we can not get the taste of bad. So in a way we use partial universe. This limited use makes us limited.
But rahu being out of matrix energy knows this truth that everything in this universe is worthy of use. So it influences our manas to rebel and start using prohibited things. Then we get to know the power of banned/prohibited things of universe. This simple fact led to almost all researches happened. But rahu doesn't tell us it's game of maya or leela.
We continue in rahu influence for many lives without any conclusive growth. Then we look towards ketu..It's counterpart for some respite. Ketu takes us back in past from future present or in other words takes us back to centre..In the company of manas..Which is pure entity. One feels happy..Blissful..When we are in our manas which has the light of aatman. Then we start meditation daily to be in company of manas.. aatman..Start living blissful..Till liberated.

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