Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Why memory is lost in death?

THE ULTIMATE TRUTH..Why memory is lost in death ???

I started this thought process in previous write-up when I raised the Logic of lost memory of past lives affecting the journey of present lives. Definitely if past memory is available to us,it can help us in not doing same silly mistakes in life in every life..Wasting very precious time in every life.
So in this write up we will understand how this memory is lost during death. This deep mystery is solved when we combined very recent research studies of human science with old vedic astrological knowledge. We all know that we fear death the most. So scientists all over the world worked on the subject of death. And researched what happens inside human body at the time of death. It was a surprise finding when they come to know that DMT..Di methyl tryptamine..Which we know as the drug of hallucinations,is released in the brain at the time death. It is actually a hormone released as a defense mechanism by the body so that some delirium is caused during death so that we can pass sway peacefully..
When we combined this knowledge with real vedic astrology knowledge..Where Venus is exalted in pieces..The sign of liberation of soul. And Venus is the planet responsible for divine bliss.This divine bliss is given to humans who attain enlightenment during lifetime or is released in our pineal gland..Which we know is the seat of aatman in human body..At the time of death..So that our soul just passes through this process of death in a peaceful manner. In the same 12th pieces sign.. Mercury..The planet of memory,speaking skills and intelligence is debilitated. That means in that moment of death our memory just leaves us or is minimal. That is the reason why we don't remember many things of the past life.
Vedic knowledge directs us to live through the process of death in full senses. But this power is available to only sages, enlightened souls..That they can die in full senses without fear and learn this process of death which is ultimate knowledge..Or they can learn this death process during meditation when these souls are able to undertake astral travel or out of body experience. That is why these enlightened souls say that whosoever has seen this TRUTH..Is always in divine nectar intoxication.

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